2021 KUMA Business Awards
PUANGA KAI RAU: An evening of abundance! 3 July, 2021, Waihōpai, hosted by Koha Kai
The KUMA Business Awards was a night to celebrate and support KUMA businesses and professionals in Otago and Southland, celebrating individual and collective success with a reminder of the strong net - te kupenga - that binds us together and supports us all.
KUMA’s strong values - whakawhanaungatanga, manaakitanga, tautoko - were in evidence, as we listened to stories to inspire and ignite the entrepreneurial spirit in us all.
In 2021, our award categories were:-
· Collaboration & Innovation
· Employment & Growth
· Resilience & Wellbeing
· Emerging Enterprise includes Rangatahi
The Tohu Maumahara ki a Suzanne Spencer Award is awarded every year to an outstanding individual or whānau who have contributed to the community, as well as demonstrated strong Māori business values and achievement.
Suzanne Spencer was highly regarded as one of the founding members of KUMA, and this award is a celebration of her significant contribution to KUMA and its members.
Tangaroa Walker - Farm 4 Life
Recipient of He Tohu Maumahara ki a Suzanne Spencer, with Suzanne’s sister Jane Gilroy (R) and Suzanne’s daughter, Jacqui Caine (L)
Suzanne Spencer Tohu Maumahara Award.
In memory of KUMA’s māreikura, her passion and commitment to growing Māori business acumen and the Māori economy
Business Award Criteria
To be eligible to enter the Suzanne Spencer Memorial Awards, applicants need to:
· Be in business for a minimum of one year
· Be of Māori descent with more than 50% business ownership
· Operate in the Otago/Southland takiwā
Applicants need to provide:
· A brief history of their business, outlining its main activities
· The vision of their business and the outcomes they want to achieve
· The most significant achievements of their business over the past two years
Three independent judges will consider the following aspects of the applicant’s business in a holistic approach to the category entered.
· Spiritual - includes broader humanity concerns, shared values
· Environmental - includes ecosystem activities and resource use
· Social - includes community relationships.
· Cultural - includes tikanga (protocols)
· Economic - includes financial value and well-being value
2021 KUMA Business Award Recipients and Finalists
NZAS Employment & Growth presented to: Niche Design & Construction Ltd (Hāwea)
Great South Resilience & Wellbeing Award presented to: Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust (Waihōpai Invercargill)
Poutama Trust Emerging Enterprise Award presented to: Reigning Downs-Hauora Centre (Waihōpai Invercargill)
Regional Business Partner The People’s Choice Award Recipient: Tangaroa Walker, Farm 4 Life (Murihiku Southland)
Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu Puna Pakihi Recognition of Achievement Award presented to: Karen Hattaway, BLUE KANU (Tāhuna Queenstown)
He Tohu Maumahara ki a Suzanne Spencer Recipient: Tangaroa Walker, Farm 4 Life